Child Bible Lessons that Feed a Child's Mind and Heart with God's love
Child bible lessons is a site intended for parents, educators and anyone else wishing to bring the way, the truth and a bright light into children's lives. Incorporating bible lessons, bible studies, bible verses and child prayers, this site provides a basic biblical background for children of all ages.
It has been an amazing decade of providing free bible lessons for children. I am so humbled that God would choose me to create and manage this website. However all good things must come to an end. Unfortunately things have changed drastically in the search world for websites. For the last couple of years, this site has not covered maintenance fees and I am unable to continue to keep it up and running. As of December 8, this site will no longer exist. Thank you all for visiting and using these materials to teach children about God and His love for them. In doing this, you have stored up for yourself "treasures in heaven which cannot be destroyed by moth or rust". I hope you continue to seek God for yourself and your children. If God places it on your heart to donate to keep this site running, please contact me on the contact page.
Ephesians 5:8-10 says "once you were in darkness; but now you are light in the Lord, walk as children of light. For the fruit of the light or the spirit consists in every form of kindly goodness, uprightness of heart and trueness of life. And try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord".
What if you lived in a place and time of a widespread famine. No amount of money or distance traveled can shield you from the lack of food available. Your child looks deeply into your eyes with tears and says "Please feed me, I can't live like this any longer". What would you do? Like any parent you would do everything in your power to see that they are fed. Fortunately, we can provide food for our children but it will take individualized effort, sacrifice and time.
The food cannot be purchased from a mass merchandiser because it is not available. We are required to sow our own seed and cultivate the plants ourselves. Each crop requires careful tending and attention to assure we have adapted to the seasonal changes and environment. Our goal is to have a bumper crop so that we can feed our family and share with our neighbors the fruits of our labor. But...what in the world does this have to do with teaching a child bible lessons?
You see, the bible refers to a time in the future when the Lord God will send a famine onto the land(Amos 8:11). However this famine is not from lack of food, it is a spiritual famine and it is upon us now. Since the word of God has been silenced in public places and confined to only our churches, children are starving to death and don't know where to find this spiritual food. The nourishment is Jesus Christ. And it is up to us as parents or teachers to feed the need. Child Bible Lessons feeds a child's mind with biblically based lessons and real life, fun examples on how they can rely on God as their provider.
Seeing God through the eyes of a child is not only tender and touching but it also gives us insight into how God relates to us as his own children. We have the responsibility of teaching and training up our children in the ways of God so that when they are adults they will hold fast to God's word.(Proverbs 22:6) Child Bible Lessons will:
*Teach you and your child how to pray God's promises
over them
*Help children deal with issues such as fear, worldly influences and trials
*Show children how to gain favor with God
*Provide children with the steps necessary in experiencing supernatural protection
*Cite numerous examples on how to
achieve spiritual growth
As parents we cannot sit idly by hoping our children will pick up enough spiritual guidance in Sunday school. We need to start early and take advantage of every opportunity to 'create a hunger' inside them for God. This site partners with you in helping your child learn a Christian lifestyle that stays with them when they go out into the world. We have to continuously feed our children's heart and mind with God's precious word.
© 2007
Permission is given for non-profit use of the information from this web page provided it is accompanied by the citation:
Used by permission of Beth Rimstidt
All requests for other uses will be considered. Please ask.