Child bible stories that revive your child church resources

child bible stories

As a parent of young children, I know how difficult it can be to make child bible stories and child church resources come alive and keep the child's attention throughout the entire story until the end. I have created some free resources myself. These may be used to reinforce biblical principals for your own children or will be valued child church resources. My prayer is that your young children receive God's love when reading these beginner bible stories because that is what is intended.

However I do ask that you do not reproduce these stories for profit or print these as your

own material. You may print any and all of the bible stories as long as you make sure the copyright remains at the bottom of the page. The parables are versions of the parables written in the bible which I have tried to simplify so that young minds can understand them.

Rich Fool

Two Builders

Two Sons

Sowing Seed

Who is Elijah

Rebuilding God's Temple

The Influence of a Little Servant Girl

The Easter Events

Here is an additional children's resource:

Child Bible stories resources