Fruit of the spirit for children incorporates lessons on love for kids of all ages

These fruit of the spirit for children lessons teach on the subjects of love,joy,peace,
gentleness and self-control. It is important to God that we develop the fruits of God's spirit because these are the qualities of his nature. Although these qualities of God's spirit are already inside of us, children and even adults need to learn how to develop and mature these fruits so that the world will know us by our 'fruit'.
These lessons will help kids learn how to develop the fruit of God's spirit so it flows through them for the outside world to see. Kids can be a light in a dark world by walking in the fruit of the spirit of love for those who may not yet know God.
Becoming discipled in the fruit is key to becoming a mature believer and will help kids throughout their lives to walk in
character. It is also the first thing people see or 'judge' as
Christians are put on display in the world arena. One can be
seen as full of wisdom and maturity based solely on their character or 'fruit'. This is in contrast to someone holding several degrees with a high ranking status in society however they have never developed the fruits of self control or love. It is immediately evident to most that displaying the fruit is crucial in dealing with people in all arenas of life. The first lesson is for beginners. The second lesson is devoted to intermediate learners. Please feel free to print off these lessons in their entirety for your own personal or classroom use. However I do ask that you do not reproduce these for profit or print these as your own material. You may print any and all of the pages as long as you make sure the copyright remains at the bottom of the page. Fruits of the spirit stories Fruit of the Spirit Youth
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Terrific Fruit of the Spirit for children resources