Identity Christ-is: Are you the Righteousness of Christ?

What's that? You say you aren't sure what the righteousness of Christ is? Well you've come to the right place because we are getting ready to explain righteousness of Christ to you.

Let's face it, being young is tough. Just when you thought you had it all figured out, the game changes entirely. We all want to fit in and be liked. But you have to ask yourself how important is being liked if it costs you your happiness? Many young people and also many adults are driven by the need to please others. They don't understand what it means to be the righteousness of Christ. And while it is good to do nice things for others, it is also very easy to get out of balance and live your life trying to make others happy. Often when we are spending all our time trying to please others, we don't take into consideration God's plan for our life. We have a choice. We can either be people pleasers or God pleasers. When we stop pleasing others and begin pleasing God it usually causes some friction with the people in our lives who are used to getting their way. But how in the heck do you stand up to people you may have been afraid of making angry in the past? You confirm your identity in Christ,which is the righteousness of Christ. You see, God lives in each one of us through the Holy Spirit. And when Jesus died on the cross and rose again he became our intercessor. Meaning that when we face peer pressure or hardships we can turn to Jesus; putting our faith in him and know that he will take care of us. We are complete in Christ and we don't feel like our identity has to be tied to a position, title or status.(Colossians 2:10)

One of the biggest obstacles kids face is trying to figure out who they are and where they fit into society. They don't know they already have the righteousness of Christ; all they need to do is ask God to intercede for them. During this transitional time some kids get involved with drugs, alcohol or the wrong crowd. It's like each one of us has this big black hole deep inside us that is constantly sucking whatever is around us into it. We are constantly trying to fill that hole with our desires. But everything we try to fill it with (drugs,alcohol,sex,food or material possessions) always falls short and we have to find something else to fill the void. There is only one thing that will fill the void and won't require any other substitutes; that is Jesus Christ. If your life is grounded in Jesus none of those temptations seem appealing. When you know who you are in Christ you don't have to prove anything to yourself or others. You receive the righteousness of Christ. Please don't misunderstand, this is not the 'religious' righteousness of following laws or doing good works.(Romans 10:3) This is a righteousness that you can only receive through Christ and it entitles you to come boldly before God with your requests and know that even though you still have a lot of problems in your own life, Jesus does not. He is the one interceding for you.

It's kind of interesting because when we stop trying to look or act a certain way and just pray to God and ask for Jesus to guide us and give us wisdom, then we receive it and another benefit happens. We forget how important our image is and put it into God's hands. You see God can make our image so much cooler than we could possibly attempt ourselves. Start praying for God to help you fulfill his will for your life and also for you to find favor with God and man. Before you know it, you will have fulfilled two goals-serving God and having a good reputation with your friends. That's just how God operates. When you try to get something selfish on your own-very rarely do you succeed. BUT when you ask for God's help for something unselfish(like using your gifts to serve God) he always throws in a couple of extra bonuses! Like favor or popularity with people or blessings. But be careful. Don't ask for this with the goal of only receiving more. God doesn't work that way and since he lives inside you- he knows your heart.

Knowing you are the righteousness of Christ is very important and if you can get that concept you have probably surpassed many adults. When your identity is tied to Christ you no longer need to prove to yourself or others your worth or value. You are the righteousness of Christ because of Christ's death on the cross which gave you the opportunity to receive what Jesus receives. So the next time you feel like you are unworthy or undeserving remember that it's not you who is receiving the glory of God; it's Jesus Christ who is interceding for you. You are just receiving all the benefits of having Christ's identity!

Ephesians 1:3-14 II Corinthians 12:9-10 Isaiah 45:24 Ezekiel 33:13 Matthew 6:33

Recommended resources for kids: Righteousness of Christ Bible Resources © Beth Rimstidt 2005 Permission is given for non-profit use of the information from this web page provided it is accompanied by the citation:

Used by permission of Beth Rimstidt

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